Reader comments about Remembrance Day
Send us your thoughts, comments and ideas about Remembrance Day in Canada. What should and should't be done on this day? How best to pay respect to current and past members of the armed forces?
There are many that don't have Remembrance Day as a holiday that had family in wars.
Seems to be unfair many that have it off may not even know a single person that went to war. Please don't make us like the silent supporters of Trump.
Should not be considered as a day not at work. Get to know what our Canadians sacrificed and suffered for years to enable folks these days to enjoy their freedoms and dad and uncles would flip in their grave listening to the comments about not having 1 day,just 1 day to ponder the losses and the achievements of our countrymen.
It should be a no brainer and absolutely disgusting that one day is not observed for our Canadian goes beyond politics,religion,race. Shame on the infamous four.
i would love that "DAY" at home , to watch the programs-documentary's on t.v., without distractions, in the morning threw to 11:00 a.m. and on , to reflect. it means the most to me , to be at home at that time ,and not at work .i used to do that, until they took it away. i still understand the meaning of the day , but i used to reflect more visually at home at 11:00a.m. Ontario should return it to a holiday is my opinion.
We should be fair to the province that Remembrance Day should be declared as a statutroy holiday in Ontario, because across Canada it is observed as a holiday of reflection of the soliders and the army who protect our country and many people who lost their lives in World War, Can 1 holiday hurt other businesses??. We should have a holiday to pay a respect to the Armed Forces and Soldiers who protected our country, we should be thankful for them, its our reflection, I would just pay a respect to the soldier and the Armed forces, who served and protected us. We all think that is unfair to us that everyone gets a holiday and we dont get a holiday.
LGBTQ gets a month of recognition while remembrance day should be a stat holiday. Imagine the community events which could be co-ordinated to celebrate rather than a minute at work and then back to the grind.
Kids can learn about the war, and still enjoy the day off to be with family who can further teach them about the significance of the day.
I consider it a disgrace to the memory of our veterans that Remembrance Day is not a holiday nationwide.
Remembrance Day should a Holiday all over Canada.
Strongly agree with many.. Remembrance Day should without a doubt be a statutory holiday nation-wide. Hard to believe the opinions expressed here favoring Family Day as its a more 'convenient' day for you. Absolutely disgraceful.
If anything you need this day to revisit the past and understand its significance.
Remembrance Day should be a National Statutory Holiday for all Canadians, not certain regions, Even Federally Regulated employees in those province don't get the STAT. Very sad that we even need to have this conversation. SAD.
This shouldn’t even be a question. Those Veterans gave up their lives and limbs so that Canada could enjoy the Freedoms and Rights we have had until the Governments started to strip slowly away. Remeberance Day most definitely should be Stat and we should have Veterans Month, to honour them. We should also paint over all the rainbow crosswalks with Poppies to remind us everyday of what these brave, courageous Veterans gave up for us. Why does Canada give more honour to the LBGTQ community than our Veterans? That’s just not right!
The only people who don't want to see Remembrance days as a national holiday are people who have never lost a loved one in a war. These people will not fight for anything that isn't something that directly benefits them.
I find it hard to believe that people would even debate this. Men went out to protect our country. Even if the forum was in Europe many went voluntary some by decree. Men are still out there putting their life on the line. Think of the what if. What if Hitler had succeeded, what if Russia decides to reach the US through Canada. What if ..... . We should honor these men. What if the naysayers have to put on a uniform. To this day soldiers are putting their life on the line to protect and defend. By what right do people have to minimize their sacrifice. The next time there is an emergency or a dictator decides to crush a free people to the dirt I say we send out the very people who wish to negate the soldiers who went out before.
Hello I don't normally comment on to much but this has me pissed im considered a veteran and proud of it unfortunately I was at the strathroy ontario remembrance day ceremony there was a good turnout the people that were there were respectful and the organizers did a pretty good job unfortunately the canadian government federal and provincial couldent take the time to show up to place a reef for our fallen soldiers the same soldiers who gave there lives to allow us to have the life we have.I think the canadian government takes advantage of our veterans and only cares when it's convenient for them they should hang there heads in shame
In past years in BC if stores were open they would make an announcement at 11 o'clock that it was time for a moment of silence. But for Remembrance Day 2023 no announcement took place which is quite a disgrace as this is supposed to be a day where we remember those who fought and died in the service of freedom.
Absolutely NOT, Remembrance Day is not a day for celebrating as a paid holiday. Whe ever decided to entertain this notion? We are to take time to appreciate the ultimate sacrifice our parents, grand parents and great grandparents, along with current military personel, have made and are making to ensure we ae a free country. I believe that everyone should attend a Remembrance Day Service, stand tall and respect the fact that thousands of folks died to protect us, not take a day to relaxe, party or whatever. This is to be a solomn day to reflect on what our veterans had to do, had to see, and have to live with forever. It wasn't pretty or in any way celbretory, it was hell, it was war! My grandfather was as stretcher bearer in the First World War, he got to see his pals, friends and relatives, shot up, bleeding, screaming, crying, and sometimes missing body parts, while trying to get them fromt he battle field to safety, and yes, he saw many of them die before safety could be reached. Hell NO, nobody should want to celebrate this trauma.......we should be ashamed even entertaining the idea. What are the polititions thinking?? Idiots.
Too many comments about leaving the remembrance of our veterans to teachers. Parents and grandparents talk to them, explain to them what it means, let them see some neighborhood area where they may be and let's pass the stories along. It's up to us all to keep the remembrance going Thank God for our veterans.
It's a shame that remembrance days is not a country wide holiday we should always remember our heroes in the best way possible
I lost one uncle in World War II and I had another three fight in World War II. Remembrance day would be better off if we all had it off and went to the parades and gatherings.
Every single day we need to teach our children about why we shouldn’t go to war. I’m disgusted that we can’t as a country come together and I’ll take the day off that only certain provinces recognize it or certain governments.
Remembrance day is remembrance day, regardless, parades and celebrations, but those who fought for us to live in this great country need to happen.
I don’t believe that they are taught anything in school about remembrance Day I don’t remember my kids 30-35 years ago learning anything.
RU kidding me? I have known remembrance day and been solemn about it since I had a clue about it. It is a day we respect so so many who have either fallen in war or have been injured in war. Children need to learn about it, not so they have to go to war, but to try to prevent it from ever happening again!
We in this country seem to forget who fought and died so that we can have the right to pay tribute to Canada's Fallen. Many paid the ultimate price, as well many suffered the rest of their life in dealing with serious injuries.
My next note may be taken as hate language, but it is not. This note is we as Canadians must be fair to all Canadians, Where I am coming from is, I ask the question as to why there are other groups in this country that receive more recognition than our Veterans. In each case a national holiday has been given them. Yes, November11th is a national holiday, with strings attached. This is that not all workers get the day as a state. This I feel is a slap in the face to all Veterans, who fought and died, as well many wounded so that they can promote their state holiday. What a shame that these take president over our countries Veterans. It is my feeling that this country ministers rectify this very big oversite now.
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